Obligation / Advice

Finally, obligation and advice might be added to the authorization decision. Both can be defined for each policy individually. If a final decision is PERMIT, there can be multiple policies and policy sets evaluating to PERMIT, each of them containing an obligation and/or advice statement - same goes for DENY. The final authorization decision with a certain decision must contain all obligations and advice of policy documents evaluating to this decision, but not the obligation and advice of those policy documents evaluating to a different decision.

On the two levels (PDP and policy set), collection of obligation and advice works as follows:

  • Policy Set: If the policy set evaluates to a certain decision (PERMIT or DENY), the obligation and advice from all contained policies evaluating to this decision are bundled as the obligation and advice of the policy set.

    (For the combining algorithm first-applicable, not all policies might be evaluated. A value PERMIT or DENY is only assigned to evaluated policies. Thus, the policy set’s obligation and advice do only contain obligations and advice from evaluated policies.)

  • PDP: If the final decision is PERMIT or DENY, the obligation and advice from all top-level policy documents evaluating to this final decision are collected as the final decision’s obligation and advice.